
Prof. Jan Baeyens

Beijing Advanced Innovation Centre for Soft Matter Science and Engineering, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing, China.

Research Interests: renewable energy; powder technology; hydrogen production; environmental technology.

Executive Editors-in-Chief

Dr. Yimin Deng

School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Beijing Insttitute of Technology, Beijing, China.

Research Interests: scale-up strategies for solar thermo-chemical and catalytic reactors, including their computational fluid dynamics simulations.

Dr. Woei Saw

School of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia.

Research Interests: net-zero alumina production; net-zero cement production; process modelling, process integration and techno-economic assessment; ash chemistry; concentrated solar thermal for power generation, liquid fuel production and mineral processing; gasification of biomass/refuse-derived fuel (DRF) for production of synthetic gas (H2,CO) for liquid fuels or H2; waste (including Food waste) to value; torrefaction and pyrolysis of biomass for high value products; high temperature thermal energy storage.