
Deshmukh , P., Johanes, M., Sathiaraj, D., & Gupta, M. Effects of Cyclic Cryogenic Treatment on Pure Magnesium and the Effect of Nano ZnO Particles Processed using Microwave Sintering. Progress in Composite Materials. 2025. doi:


Effects of Cyclic Cryogenic Treatment on Pure Magnesium and the Effect of Nano ZnO Particles Processed Using Microwave Sintering

Poonam Deshmukh 1, Michael Johanes 2, Dan Sathiaraj 1 and Manoj Gupta 2,*

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Indore 453 552, Madhya Pradesh, India

Department of Mechanical Engineering, National University of Singapore, 9 Engineering Drive 1, Singapore 117 576, Singapore

* Correspondence:

Received: 30 August 2024; Revised: 27 November 2024; Accepted: 6 December 2024; Published: 9 December 2024

Abstract: The present study, for the first time, reports the effect of cyclic cryogenic treatment (cyclic CT) on pure magnesium and Mg/2 wt.% ZnO (Mg2ZnO) nanocomposite. Addition of ZnO particles enhanced density of the Mg and nanocomposite material to a maximum of ~30% and ~ 68%, respectively after 2 cycles of CT. Basal plane strengthened after cyclic CT in both materials, irrespective of number of cycles. Addition of ZnO particles showed an enhancement in 0.2 CYS, UCS, fracture strain, and energy absorbed by ~13.88%, ~26%, ~15%, and ~64%, respectively. However, the effect of cyclic CT on pure magnesium was not considerably effective, and properties remained nearly similar to the as-extruded condition. On the contrary, Mg2ZnO composite material showed a maximum enhancement of ~11%, ~5%, ~8% in 0.2 CYS, UCS, and energy absorbed, while the fracture strain remained constant. Though 1 cycle of cryogenic treatment for pure Mg showed slightly better results, the mechanical properties are almost similar for all cycles. Meanwhile, 2 cycles of cryogenic treatment is more effective in realizing superior combination of mechanical properties in the case of nanocomposite.


magnesium alloys magnesium nanocomposite cyclic cryogenic composite compression behavior


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