Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Willy Susilo, University of Wollongong, Australia.
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Aims & Scope
Pragmatic Cybersecurity (PC) aims to be a leading journal for disseminating innovative research and practical insights in the field of cybersecurity. It will feature a diverse range of articles, including original research, reviews, perspectives, and case studies, focusing on the practical side of cybersecurity. The main goal is to bridge the gap between theory and practice in the area of cybersecurity. Additionally, it also covers the development, implementation, and evaluation of cybersecurity strategies and technologies. The journal will cover topics such as threat detection and mitigation, cryptography, network security, data privacy, cybersecurity policy, and the human aspects of cybersecurity. It is intended to serve as a central platform for sharing knowledge among cybersecurity professionals, researchers, policymakers, and educators. Pragmatic Cybersecurity will be published quarterly online by Scilight Press.
It will include but not be limited to the following topics:
- Threat detection and mitigation techniques
- Cryptographic methods and practical applications
- Network security protocols and architectures
- Data privacy and protection strategies
- Cybersecurity policy and regulatory frameworks
- Human factors in cybersecurity
- Security in cloud computing and virtualization
- Cyber-physical systems and IoT security
- Incident response and digital forensics
- Artificial intelligence and machine learning in cybersecurity
- Secure software development practices
- Blockchain and distributed ledger technologies
- Cybersecurity education and training