Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Xichun Luo, University of Strathclyde, UK.
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Aims & Scope
The International Journal of High-End Manufacturing (HEM) aims to publish ground-breaking research in manufacturing of high value-added products, such as optics, photonics, biological, medical, aerospace, automotive, semiconductors and quantum products.
The journal publishes cutting-edge fundamental and applied manufacturing research targeting high precision, performance, efficiency, sustainability and resilience, through harvesting the latest breakthroughs in fundamental physical, chemical, bio and computing sciences, digital and artificial intelligence technologies. It covers a broad spectrum of areas with multi-disciplinary interests in precision/ultra-precision/micro/nano machining, forming, forging, injection moulding or assembly processes, machines, instruments and characterisation technologies to purse high level of precision in material/surface/subsurface integrity, and dimensional and form accuracies at different functional feature sizes of final products. It is published quarterly online by Scilight Press.
HEM welcome the submission of original research articles and technical reviews. Areas covered by this journal include, but are not limited to:
- Atomic and close-to-atomic scale manufacturing
- Micro and nano manufacturing
- Precision and ultra-precision manufacturing
- Digital and smart manufacturing
- Biomanufacturing
- Space manufacturing