Lee, K.-T., Cai, Y.-S., Hou, Q.-Y., Hsu, T.-J., & Hsu, W.-H. A Brief Overview of Green Hydrogen on Production, Regulations, and Commercialization. Green Energy and Fuel Research. 2024. doi:


A Brief Overview of Green Hydrogen on Production, Regulations, and Commercialization

Kuan-Ting Lee *, Yuan-Shao Cai, Qian-Yi Hou, Ting-Jung Hsu, and Wei-Hao Hsu

Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering, Tunghai University, Taichung 407, Taiwan

* Correspondence: or

Received: 1 July 2024; Revised: 19 July 2024; Accepted: 22 July 2024; Published: 15 August 2024


Abstract: With the deadline for meeting the net-zero emissions target by 2050 fast approaching, developing low-carbon energy sources has become a priority for governments worldwide. Green hydrogen is considered a promising low-carbon energy in response to the urgent need for net-zero energy. In this minor review, we have provided an overview of the progress made in the commercialization of green hydrogen, focusing on aspects such as manufacturing, regulations, and patent analysis for achieving environmental sustainability and net-zero emissions. In addition, the developemental progress achieved in green hydrogen by various countries such as Europe, United States, Japan, and South Korea is also highlighted, emphasizing their determination and commitment to exploit and incorporate hydrogen energy industry into existing energy policy. Key challenges identified include the difficulty of ensuring a stable supply source, optimizing transportation and storage infrastructure, and reducing energy consumption costs. The international regulations and patents related to green hydrogen are also discussed. This review provides insights into the current state of green hydrogen industries of various countries as we aim to achieve net zero emmissions and improve sustainability.


green hydrogen hydrogen energy net zero commercialization regulations environmental sustainability


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