Hao, J., Jia, G., Ma, Z., Zhang, Z., Ma, C., Cheng, C., & Jin, L. A Review of Geothermal Energy Coupled Hybrid System for Building Heat Supply. Green Energy and Fuel Research. 2024. doi:


A Review of Geothermal Energy Coupled Hybrid System for Building Heat Supply

Jianke Hao 1, Guosheng Jia 1,*, Zhendi Ma 1, Zhibin Zhang 1, Congfu Ma 1, Chonghua Cheng 2 and Liwen Jin 1,*

1 School of Human Settlements and Civil Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049, China

2 Shaanxi Yateer Scientific and Technological Innovation Construction Co., Ltd., Xi’an 710076, China

* Correspondence: (G.J.); (L.J.)

Received: 3 September 2024; Revised: 8 October 2024; Accepted: 10 October 2024; Published: 11 October 2024

Abstract: Recently, there has been significant emphasis on studying the combination of geothermal energy with other forms of renewable energy. This has become an important area of research in sustainable energy development. The notable characteristic of this integration is its ability to improve the overall efficiency and reliability of the heat supply system. This study reviews the research conducted on the building heating system, which combines geothermal energy with solar energy, wind energy, and air-source energy. A thorough analysis of how previous studies have utilized renewable energy sources to address the drawbacks of geothermal heating systems has been performed, with a specific focus on energy consumption efficiency, soil temperature variations, system power supply, and cost analysis. Geothermal energy coupled with solar energy can mitigate the instability of the solar energy supply and reduce the ground temperature attenuation. The integration of geothermal and wind energy can produce electricity, thereby satisfying the power requirements. The combination of geothermal energy with an air-source heat pump system can enhance the overall performance and reduce the borehole heat exchanger depth. Through the detailed analysis of these hybrid systems, we aim to promote the development and popularization of the coupled system and provide a reference for renewable energy utilization.


geothermal energy renewable energy hybrid building heating system coupled system efficiency


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