Aims & Scope


Environmental Pollution, Risk, and Remediation Insights (EPRRI) is an international, interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal published quarterly online by Scilight Press. EPRRI is dedicated to advancing the understanding and management of environmental challenges through rigorous scientific research and innovative solutions. The journal aims to provide a platform for the dissemination of high-quality research that addresses the complex interactions between environmental pollutants, ecosystems, and human health. We welcome contributions that offer new insights, methodologies, and technologies to mitigate environmental risks and enhance the sustainability of natural and built environments.


The journal covers a broad range of topics, including but not limited to:

  • Environmental Monitoring and Assessment: Studies on environmental impact assessment, risk assessment of local, regional and global pollutions, life cycle analysis, etc.
  • Technological Developments for Environmental Applications: Research on the development and application of technologies for the protection and remediation of water, air, and soil ecosystems.
  • Technological Advancements in Natural Minerals and Nanomaterials for Risk Mitigation and Remediation.
  • Ecological Applications and Conservation: Research on ecological conservation efforts and the application of ecological principles to environmental management.
  • Modeling and Optimization of Environmental Systems: Innovative approaches to modeling and optimizing environmental systems for improved management and decision-making.
  • Waste Management and Valorization: Research on the management, treatment, and valorization of waste, including industrial residues and effluents.
  • Environmental Quality Management Methods: Development of new procedures, characterization techniques, monitoring methods, and governing standards for environmental quality management.
  • Social, Economic, and Policy Aspects: Studies examining the social, economic, and policy dimensions of environmental management and their implications for sustainable development.
  • Health Effects of Contaminant Exposure: Research exploring ecological, toxicological, biological, biochemical and human health effects caused by contaminant exposure.

By publishing cutting-edge research and fostering interdisciplinary collaboration, EPRRI aims to contribute to the development of effective strategies for addressing environmental pollution and promoting a healthier, more sustainable world.