IJAMM 2024 Best Paper Award

Winner announcement date: 31 May 2024

Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to announce the “IJAMM 2024 Best Paper Award” for research and review articles published in IJAMM from 1 July 2022 to 31 December 2023. Two review and two research article will each receive an award. The papers will be selected after a thorough evaluation by the journal's Award Committee, led by its Editor-in-Chief, Prof. Dr. Zhengbai Liu, and the winners will be announced in May 2024.

Eligibility for the Award:

– Papers published in IJAMM from 1 July 2022 to 31 December 2023;

– Open to all career levels;

Selection Criteria:

The papers will be selected by the journal's Award Committee according to the following criteria:

– Scientific merit and broad impact;

– Originality of the research objectives and/or the ideas presented;

– Creativity of the study design or uniqueness of the approaches and concepts;

– Clarity of presentation;

– Citations and downloads.


– Two review award: AUD 1000 for each paper;

– Two research article award: AUD 1000 for each paper;

– Each winner will also receive an electronic certificate.

The winners will be announced on the journal's website at the end of May 2024.


Kind regards,

IJAMM Editorial Office



——  Winners  ——


Two Reviews:

Recent Progress on Combustion Characteristics of Ammonia-Based Fuel Blends and Their Potential in Internal Combustion Engines
By Denghao Zhu, Bo Shu
International Journal of Automotive Manufacturing and Materials 2023, 2(1): 1.
doi: 10.53941/ijamm0201001

Review of Combustion Performance Improvement and Nitrogen-Containing Pollutant Control in the Pure Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine
By Chun Lu, Wei Chen, Qingsong Zuo, Guohui Zhu, Yi Zhang
International Journal of Automotive Manufacturing and Materials 2022, 1(1): 7.
doi: 10.53941/ijamm0101007


Two Articles:

Transient Nozzle-Exit Velocity Profile in Diesel Spray and Its Influencing Parameters
By Ya Gao, Weidi Huang, Raditya Hendra Pratama, Jin Wang
International Journal of Automotive Manufacturing and Materials 2022, 1(1): 8.
doi: 10.53941/ijamm0101008

Optical Study on Soot Formation of Ethanol/ hydrogenated Catalytic Biodiesel/octanol Blends
By Shufa Zhou, Wenjun Zhong, Tamilselvan Pachiannan, Qing Liu, Feibin Yan, Jiafeng Chen, Zhixia He, Qian Wang
International Journal of Automotive Manufacturing and Materials 2023, 2(4): 3.
doi: 10.53941/ijamm.2023.100015